Expected bank account formats

Depending on the country in which your bank account is hosted, the bank details on which to make your transfers must have a specific format.

We remind you that you must own the bank account that you will use for your transfers.


1. For countries that use the IBAN format:

To find out if you need to provide an IBAN, you can search for the country hosting your bank account among this list: https://www.iban.com/structure

1st field: IBAN between 15 to 32 characters
2nd field: BIC/SWIFT code (your bank will be able to give it to you)


2. For countries outside the IBAN area:

1st field: 6-digit BSB
2nd field: bank account number
3rd field: BIC/SWIFT code (your bank will be able to give it to you)

1st field: 3-digit institution number
2nd field: 5-digit transit number (also called agency code)
3rd field: bank account number
4th field: BIC/SWIFT code (your bank will be able to give it to you)

1st field: 18-digit bank account number (also called Clabe)
2nd field: BIC/SWIFT code (your bank will be able to give it to you)

1st field: 20-digit bank account number beginning with 40
2nd field: BIC/SWIFT code (your bank will be able to give it to you)

Caution, due to the current situation, some banks are under political embargo, hence some transfers may not be possible. Please check if your bank is affected.

1st field: bank account number
2nd field: BIC/SWIFT code (your bank will be able to give it to you)


This list is obviously not exhaustive.
If you have any difficulties entering your bank details, please do not hesitate to contact customer service who will be happy to help you.

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