Cancel my subscription

In accordance with our Terms and Conditions of Sale (available from your account, bottom left), subscriptions are commitment-free and automatically renewed on a monthly basis.

You have the option to easily disable the automatic renewam of each of your subscriptions by following thse steps: 1. Go to the "My account" tab.

2. Select the "My subscriptions" section.

3. Identify the Creator whose subscription you no longer wish to follow.

4. Click on the relevant Creator, then on "Cancel subscription".

On this page, you will also be able to see the date on which you terminated your subscription. 

Please note that if you terminate your subscription after the anniversary date of your purchase, the subscription will be renewed and remain active until the following month. Therefore, we recommend disabling renewals 24 hours before the anniversary date. It is important to note that subscriptions and renewals are not subject to the right of withdrawal.

This page can also be used to easily re-subscribe to a creator you have already subscribed to.

You can also cancel or extend your subscriptions via the "My Myms" section by clicking on the


- The subscription will remain active until the end of the already paid period. 

- You will still have access to private media purshased from this content creator. 
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