Problems connecting to my account

If you have problems authenticating your account, follow these steps.


Unrecognized email/password

1. Make sure you enter your email address and not your MYM account nickname to identify yourself. 

2. Make sure that you are trying to connect to the right platform:
👉 Connection link to the Fans website
👉 Connection link to the Creators website

3. Check that the email you entered is the one you used when you registered. Look for an email from MYM in your mailbox to be sure.

4. Try to generate a new password :
👉 Fan account password generation
👉 Creator account password generation
Check that the email of the generation procedure is not in your spam box.


I am logged in but my account is empty

You may have created multiple accounts on MYM. Check that you are properly connected by checking the email used for your purchases (look for our order confirmations in your inbox).

Go to your Settings page to find out the email with which you are connected:
👉 Settings link for a Fan account
👉 Settings link for a Creator account

sign-out-alt-solid.svg  Log out if you are not logged in with the correct account and then log back in with the correct email address.

If you think you have created 2 different accounts with the same email address: contact us.


I made an email error while registering

Contact us by attaching as much information as possible about your account so that we can find it:

  • Wrong registration email
  • Correct email to correct your account
  • Last name/First name associated with the account
  • Nickname linked to your account
  • Phone number


I have not received the SMS for double authentication

For a Creator account, if you do not receive the SMS allowing you to identify yourself via double authentication, or if you have changed your mobile number, contact us with as much information as possible about your account:

  • Email linked to your account
  • Last name/First name associated with the account
  • Nickname linked to your account
  • Account mobile phone number
  • New mobile number if the current one is wrong
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