Report content or a Creator

Thank you for helping us make MYM a safe and accessible platform for everyone. To report content, follow the procedure below.


The private media purchased does not meet demand

If you have obtained private content from a Creator but you believe that it does not meet the demand, see our related article.


The content should not be on MYM

Report content to us in the following cases:

  • It concerns advertising
  • It is not suitable for the platform
  • It is an incitement to hatred or discrimination
  • It constitutes violence or a threat
  • It is a violation of intellectual property
  • Request for payment outside MYM
  • Proposal of real meetings

Use our Reporting Form accessible via the button at the top right of each media. Provide as many items, URL(s) or screenshots as possible to assist us in our content inspection process.


The Creator does not respect the Terms and Conditions of use

If you think that a Creator's account contravenes the rules of MYM, use our Reporting Form accessible via the button at the top right of each media. Provide as many items, URL(s) or screenshots as possible to assist us in our content inspection process.

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