MYM supports you in addressing content leaks

At MYM, we understand how crucial it is to protect your content. That’s why we are fully committed to supporting you in the fight against content leaks. With our tools and dedicated team, we help you minimize the unauthorized distribution of your content as much as possible.

However, it’s important to note that, despite our continuous efforts, we cannot guarantee 100% success in eliminating leaks, as certain situations are beyond our control.

What sets us apart from other platforms is our commitment to going above and beyond for you: we provide specialized resources and personalized support to reduce such incidents.

Your peace of mind is our priority, and we remain determined to provide you with the best possible support in managing your content.


MYM technologies used for the protection of your media:

  • Right-click is disabled on media from a computer
  • There is no URL matching between your blurred media and their un-blurred sources.
  • Drag and drop for saving media is disabled on computer
  • The video recording function is disabled on our streaming players.
  • Watermarks are available for your feed and private media
  • Fans can and are encouraged to certify their account
  • On mobile phones, media is protected from being recorded by a prolonged click
  • ...

We work on a daily basis to develop new protection techniques.

👆 Despite all the provisions implemented, zero risk does not exist. For example, it is impossible unfortunately to prevent a screenshot on a mobile phone, or to prevent the user from taking a picture of his computer screen.


In the case of fraudulent use of content

If you detect that content posted on MYM belonging to you has been downloaded and exported to another website (an external platform), you must report this content immediately. 

Our legal team will act promptly to ensure that such content is no longer accessible and, if necessary, to implement any procedures that may be required :

  1. MYM studies your report and immediately proceeds to report the contents on the external platform in order to obtain a fast and total deletion.
  2. MYM will alert the user of the disclosure and, if necessary, investigate, including the recipients of the disclosed content.
  3. Any user who is responsible for the external publication of the content is subject to sanctions by MYM and may have their account blocked.
  4. MYM can also initiate recovery procedures.

Article L122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code
Création Loi 92-597 1992-07-01 annexe JORF 3 juillet 1992

Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part without the consent of the author or his successors or assigns is unlawful. It is the same for the translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process.

Article L335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code
Modifié par LOI n°2016-731 du 3 juin 2016 - art. 44

Any edition of writings, musical composition, drawing, painting or any other production, printed or engraved in whole or in part, in disregard of the laws and regulations relating to the property of authors, is an infringement and any infringement is a crime. 

Counterfeiting in France of works published in France or abroad is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros. 


When the offenses provided for in this article have been committed in an organized gang, the penalties are increased to seven years' imprisonment and a fine of 750,000 euros.

Article L335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code
Modifié par LOI n°2009-669 du 12 juin 2009 - art. 8

It is also an offence of counterfeiting to reproduce, represent or distribute, by any means whatsoever, a work of the mind in violation of the author's rights, as defined and regulated by law. 

Article 226-1 of the Penal Code
Modifié par LOI n°2020-936 du 30 juillet 2020 - art. 17

Is punishable by one year's imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros the fact, by means of any process whatsoever, voluntarily to infringe on the privacy of another person:

1° By capturing, recording or transmitting, without the consent of their author, words spoken in private or confidential ;

2° By fixing, recording or transmitting, without the consent of the person, the image of a person in a private place.

3° By capturing, recording or transmitting, by any means whatsoever, the real time or deferred location of a person without the consent of the latter.

Article 226-22 of the Penal Code
Modifié par Loi n°2004-801 du 6 août 2004 - art. 14 () JORF 7 août 2004

The fact, by any person who has collected, in the course of their recording, filing, transmission or other form of processing, personal data, the disclosure of which would have the effect of prejudicing the consideration of the person concerned or the intimacy of his or her private life, of bringing such data to the attention of a third party who is not entitled to receive it, without the authorization of the person concerned, shall be punishable by five years' imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros.


Protection of personal data

All personal data related to your account is completely confidential. It will never be transmitted to third parties or displayed to your Fans (apart from your username and the information you wish to make public).

For any information related to our policy on the processing of personal data, we invite you to consult our privacy policy.

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