The different types of content on MYM

We remind you that you can only post on MYM content for which you have broadcasting rights. Broadcasting media that you do not have the rights to can be heavily sanctioned.

Profile and cover photos

👉 The profile photo identifies your account. It is essential to have a successful Creator account.

👉 The cover photo is positioned just behind your profile photo and allows you to better identify and differentiate your page. It is highly recommended to improve your conversions.


To add or modify your Profile and Cover photos, go to your profile then Update my account.

Our algorithm distributes your profile photo and cover photo in 6 hours (on average). Explicit content cannot be accepted on your profile and cover photos.


Media of your feed

The media in your feed can be public or blurry.

👉 Public content is visible to everyone (users not subscribed to your profile and Internet users not registered with MYM). It is important because it gives a taste of what you offer on your MYM profile.

Attention, media published publicly and then deleted still count toward your daily limit. Please make sure you’re certain before posting, as there’s no way to reverse this limit.

👉 Blurred content is only accessible to your subscribers.

To post a photo on your feed, go to the Creators platform and click on the add content icon plus-circle-solid.svg at the bottom of your browser.

Our algorithm distributes the contents of your feed in 6 hours (on average). During this time, the contents that you have determined as public remain blurred. Explicit content cannot be accepted in public media on your feed. No restrictions, however, on blurred media.



This format can bring you visibility. Unlike private media and push media, a Story is systematically free (this does not mean that it is visible to everyone). You can choose to send it to your subscribers, your former subscribers, your followers or all the fans of the platform without distinction.


Private media

After subscribing to your profile, a user can ask you for private content. After having specified his wishes, you will have to set a price for the realization of this media. You are of course also free to refuse.

👉 If the Fan accepts and pays the set price, you have 72 hours to send him his private media!


Push media

A Push Media is a same content that you send via a group message to your subscribers, your ex-subscribers or your followers. You set a price for this media, and each recipient must pay this price to instantly unlock the media!

Push media is very profitable. We advise you to provide this to your Fans on a very regular basis. Note that an ex-subscriber or a follower will have to subscribe to your profile BEFORE being able to unblock a paid Push.


MOD (Media on Demand)

This catalog lists all your paid Pushs sent to your subscribers, former subscribers, or interested individuals (followers), according to your preferences. Each MOD is accompanied by a description, providing exclusive content available continuously for your subscribers.

Please note that a former subscriber or an follower must subscribe to your profile beforehand to be able to acquire a MOD.


Live sessions

MYM Live is a powerful tool designed for you to broadcast your performances, concerts or events and create a unique experience for your fans 🚀.
All you need is a good connection and positive vibes!

They allow you to:
✅ share your content and communicate in real time
✅ make your fans' experience more personal and event-driven
✅ increase the loyalty of your community
✅ increase your revenues

Creating your Live is easy and intuitive, you'll find all the details you need to know about setting up a Live on an article 👉 here.

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